My November 16, 2009 entry entitled "Dear Bob Gunton..." generated a lot of buzz in the comments section. Anonymous wrote:
Hello, I think this is the coollest blog I`ve seen. I really like your theme.Anonymous, thank you for your kind words. I know you've read a lot of blogs with a variety of interesting themes. To think that mine is the coollest you've seen really means a lot. Best of luck with your online Tramadol sales.
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Hello! Excellent site, keep up the good work!Thanks, Anonymous! I will do my best not to let you down. I'm sorry it's been so long between posts. Best of luck with your cheap Accutane sales.
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A third anonymous respondent shared:
I usually don't post in blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful !Anonymous, I don't know what to say. I am honored that, after reading my blog, you felt compelled to share your positive feedback. Might I say that I admire your creative punctuation usage. Best of luck with your cheap Ultram sales.
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The December 13, 2009 post, "A Cold Day in Hell" resonated with a lot of readers, many of whom left comments.
オテモヤン wrote:
オナニーI'm speechless. オテモヤン, I hope you know that you are welcome to comment here any time, but please remember that this blog is family entertainment, so keep it clean.
Anonymous wrote, quite flatteringly,
nice post. I would love to follow you on twitter.You're in luck, Anonymous. During my extended blog hiatus, I have been sharing 140-or-fewer-character morsels of wit and wisdom. Check it out here!
Yet another anonymous commenter chimed in:
Hi all. How are you?Hello. I am fine, thank you. How are you?
Finally, Mark wrote:
Isn't that the final irony of life -- isn't it????Mark, I have no idea what that even means. In the future, if you wish to comment on the blog, have a point. It makes it so much more interesting for the reader.
Thank you, everyone (except Mark--you can do better), for your comments. It brings me great pleasure that such high-caliber conversation continues at the Land of Yajeev even when new blog posts aren't forthcoming. The comments section at the end of each post represents the leading edge of intellectual discourse of our society. Keep your comments coming!
Just answer him that.
Yajeev, this had me laughing out loud...I'm sorry for having no point at all...
Delete shis text plz. Sorry
I have always wanted to comment on Land of Yajeev and try to sell pharmaceuticals at the same time. But I feared I was alone in this. That no one would understand. I would be marginalized. Dismissed.
It is so freeing to know that I am no longer alone. There are others just like me! And Land of Yajeev has brought us together!
And now I find this is also a safe place for trying out my new punctuation theories? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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Wow! ....
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