Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My apologies for the blog-drought of late. I don't expect this to satisfy my readers starving for yajeev wit and wisdom, but I leave you with an inspirational quote and a link.

The mental benefits of exercise are all in your head.

-Father of Yajeev (a la Yogi)

Click here to read a post about the one of the blogosphere's most opinionated and dictatorial contributors who seems to have gone dark of late. I've been meaning to share this link for some time. I'm told an update may be in the offing.


deedma said...

It's all mental.

Unknown said...

You got me all excited about new blog posts and then you leave me hanging like this...

-Mark Rubenstein c/o Amazon native

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, and by the way...I'm glad to see that you didn't let them know you were crying..

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, and by the way...I'm glad to see that you didn't let them know you were crying..

yajeev said...

you nipsed it in the bud.

you had fair warning: i leaned over to you last night and whispered, "that's bloggable." you shoulda seen this one coming. look, if you agree to come in and give a guest lecture to my micro class, then i'll have some time for a proper post...
... and i'm sorry to say i don't know who or when you're talking about the twin crying comments. please expound.